Finals Week is Officially Over!

I'm sorry I've been so MIA this week. This was finals week and Tyson has been gone for work since Sunday afternoon. Which means I have been studying, stressing, and taking tests the past couple of days on my own. The great news is it's all over! Pray for me that I get all A's again … Continue reading Finals Week is Officially Over!


There are so many things going on in the month of May. We have Cinco de Mayo on the 5th, The Kentucky Derby on the 6th, Mother's Day on the 14th, my father's birthday, my father-in-law's birthday, my parent's anniversary, Bottle Rock, finals, and my parents coming to visit. It's going to be a busy … Continue reading May

Finals Week

I just want to brag for a minute and share my excitement! It's finals week and I'm pretty excited about the upcoming break. However, I am more excited about my grades! I had a rough history professor this semester and I was really worried I was going to get a B. It was a boarder … Continue reading Finals Week